Since the THT assembly process still relies heavily on manual labor, the concept of automation is often more closely associated with SMT processes. In fact, the reels used to store SMD components have become, by convention, synonymous with case in our terminology—referring to the carrier, which is one of the key distinguishing features of our intelligent storage and handling systems. This terminology shift is not as trivial as it may seem at first glance; it has a deeper significance.
It highlights the consistent approach that Essegi Automation takes in managing both SMT and THT components, with a clear focus on process efficiency and material traceability.
Just as with SMT, THT components at Essegi Automation have always been integrated into the development of component storage and handling logic through ISM systems, with the necessary distinctions.
From exclusive use to partial use
Those working in electronic assembly and handling customer-supplied materials with full traceability requirements are well aware that coils feeding SMT production lines are dedicated to exclusive use, whereas THT materials typically involve partial use.
In this context, the ability to accurately trace each quantity of THT material back to its original lot is critical, even when the material has been divided among different operators and production lines.
The key to ensuring traceability in these scenarios lies in the versatility of the acceptance and storage systems, enhanced by the logic of our ISM software, designed to handle the diverse needs of SMT-THT assembly environments.
Tools and logics for tracking THT, SMD and beyond
The CASE BOX is a tool that demonstrates, in its full practicality, the ability to manage THT components with the same automated and intelligent storage logic now well-established in SMT and characteristic of our ISM Ultraflex systems.
This special holder functions as a tray for handling SMD coils within ISM warehouses but can also transform into a large enclosed container for various small and medium-sized THT components. This is made possible by a practical and intuitive interlocking shim system, reminiscent of Lego, allowing for flexible configuration.
THT components stored within the CASE BOX are retrieved during extraction sessions as though they were reels, with the key difference that the box contents are managed for partial use.
This is where ISM logic comes into play, offering several ways to manage material in partial use, whether stored in external positions or otherwise, all controlled via configured PDAs.
External positions include not just open shelves but also semi-automated Pick to Light cabinets, as well as fridges and ovens, where additional preservation criteria—such as expiration dates and heating times—are applied. These parameters are seamlessly managed by the ISM software with related automations.
The partial management of THT materials by the ISM system includes several primary modes and sub-actions that enable precise tracking of remaining quantities and the repositioning of materials once containers are removed from their storage locations.
This comprehensive system supports a wide range of materials, extending far beyond THT components. It covers everything from solder paste and reels to switches, artwork sheets, large cable spools, stationery, and even semi-precious stones or diamonds, should we consider other market sectors with similar traceability needs.
Experience and Integration
Such precise management of THT component traceability is the result of the perfect combination of two key factors that define the competitive advantage of ISM solutions: the strong manufacturing expertise of our Application and Service Engineers, who are equipped to address the countless scenarios that can lead to inefficiencies and irregularities in the production processes of assembly companies, and a unique ability to integrate ISM software that can seamlessly exchange data with all other management systems within the company.